
Personal Best Hypnosis

Diana Labrum, CHt ~ (360) 876-5880

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Welcome to Personal Best Hypnosis

 I am a Certified Hypnotherapist and have Practiced in Port Orchard since 2005. Since the pandemic has passed I have been helping clients at my location in Burien (South Seattle). If you need help changing a habit or eliminating a bad habit like quitting smoking, drinking, chewing or managing weight I can help you.

I have most recently become certified in Whole Food Plant Based Nutrition studying online at the Center for Nutrition Studies at Cornell University under Dr. T. Colin Campbell.

I am so happy to be back!

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If not now, When?

Hypnosis works great for Habit Changing

There is never a better time than NOW to implement those new habits that, perhaps you are struggling with. If you want lose weight or quit smoking, drinking, chewing, gambling or any other destructive behavior.